January 7, 2008

Home Grown Radio

WCRS (operated by the local non-profit Simply Living) has been on the air for a few months now broadcasting syndicated programming (much of it from Pacifica) and working out the engineering puzzle to make this low-power station receivable in most of Central Ohio. Now WCRS is trying to implement its intended purpose: to be a source for local news and dialog about a sustainable and democratic future for our community. There are three meetings coming up for would-be volunteers. Here is copy of a recent communication from Simply Living's Director Marilyn Welker:

As many of you know, WCRS 102.1 and 98.3 community radio is on the air and picking up momentum! Look for this month's copy of Short North Gazette for a good read about what's happening. And just over the weekend Evan Davis made our first weekend broadcasts happen from 3-8 p.m. Sat. and Sun.

We're eager to spread the work and fun and to get more people involved. In the next week and a half we have three important meetings scheduled. Come if you can! If you want to help and cannot attend the meeting of your choice, contact Zach Henkel at zachhenkel@hotmail.com or 447-0296x103.

WHAT: WCRS Technical support meeting
WHEN: Wed. Jan 9, 7pm
WHERE: Simply Living office, 2929 N. High St. (above Aladdin's - please park behind the bldg. or on the street)
WHO: All people with technical skills to volunteer to the station. Including web design, editing, audio production, computer skills, etc. This meeting is open to anyone who wants to volunteer their tech help to the station. Attendees will include both people already involved and those who are relatively new to the station.

WHAT: WCRS Community Outreach meeting
WHEN: Thurs. Jan 10, 6pm
WHERE: Simply Living office, 2929 N. High St. (above Aladdin's - please park behind the bldg. or on the street)
WHO: All volunteers who want to help with community outreach, marketing and/or fundraising aspects of the station. This meeting is open to anyone who wants to volunteer, and especially for people who want to help but aren't sure how.

WHAT: WCRS Broadcasters meeting
WHEN: Wed. Jan. 16, 7 p.m.
WHERE: Columbus Mennonite Church, 35 Oakland Park Ave.
WHO: All people currently and futurely broadcasting on WCRS. This is our introductory meeting for those interested in broadcasting a show. We encourage both current and interested broadcasters to attend this meeting. The programming committee will share expectations for our broadcasters, our rules and guidelines and our plan of action for getting people on the air. It's also a great opportunity for broadcasters to all meet each other (and possibly collaborate).
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